Students participating in Cyber High are to refrain from the following:

  • Cheating
  • Plagiarism
  • Lying
  • Falsifying records
  • Distributing Cyber High copyrighted material.
  • Providing assistance or obtaining assistance from other students when completing activities, and projects without the express written permission of your contact teacher or with prior consent of the PASS Program Director.
  • Providing assistance or obtaining assistance from other students when completing quizzes or exams.
  • Initiating or participating in bullying or inappropriate behavior towards other students.
  • Using foul, inappropriate or offensive language or behaviors.
  • Violating the safety of other students.
  • Providing personal information about yourself or request personal or identifying information about other students.
  • Impeding the learning process of other students participating in the Cyber High program.
  • Disrespecting others, especially when you disagree with them.
  • Harassing others or engaging in personal attacks.
  • Using racial, ethnic or religious slurs, or hate speech.
  • Stereotyping of any kind (sexual, gender, etc.)
  • Sharing personal information about another user.
When collaborating within Cyber High, adhere to the following:
  • Behave responsibility when utilizing collaborative tools.
  • Create projects that are relatively free of bias.
  • Do not gang up with anyone in attacking another user.
  • View projects other students have created and comment on those projects respectfully.
  • Be fair to other students and respect their rights and beliefs.
  • Be respectful to other students regardless of race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.
  • Refrain from using inappropriate language, threatening behaviors, negative or overly biased comments. This includes but is not limited to foul language, racial slurs, stereotyping, personal insults, or insults toward projects other students have created or against the Cyber High program or its curriculum.
  • Collaborative exercises cannot be used to buy or sell materials or paraphernalia of any kind.
  • Do not use your full name or attempt to obtain the full name or any other identifying information of other students or provide that information about yourself to others.
  • Do not initiate or participate in any gang-related activities or produce or distribute gang signs, or paraphernalia.
  • Do not engage in plagiarism or cheating of any kind.
  • If you post something controversial, be prepared for others to disagree with your position.
  • No flaming; don't post something just to get someone mad.
  • No soliciting: don't ask other users for help in the form of money, gifts or donations.
  • Do not include advertisements or promotions in your posts.
  • No posting of nude, suggestive or provocative photographs/images.
  • If you suspect that someone using the site is not who they say they are or is an imposter or otherwise not a legitimate user, please report the problem so we can deal with it.
  • Help keep the Cyber High community a nice place to visit by reporting any problems you observe on the site, including posts that break these rules. One way to do that is to use the "Flag" icon.
  • Do not engage in any criminal or illegal behavior in Cyber High or encourage any other user to do so.
  • If you want to discuss Cyber High policies please e-mail us at
  • Be clear and courteous in your electronic communication with others. Respond to all email messages from your teacher in a timely fashion.
  • Think Twice, post once.

Any student found to be in violation of the Rules of Conduct may be disciplined, up to and including, dismissal from participation in the Cyber High program.